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Cambodia at a critical point in the fight against COVID-19

    The Ministry of Health (MOH) and the World Health Organization (WHO) called on everyone to do what they can to fight against COVID-19 with solidarity.

“The current COVID-19 situation in Cambodia remains serious. What we do right now will determine the course of this outbreak,” said His Excellency Professor Mam Bunheng, Minister of Health. “We must all accelerate our efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 in the coming days and weeks. Lives depend on it.”

On 20 February, 32 locally acquired COVID-19 cases were reported in Phnom Penh after a breach in quarantine. As of 19 March, a total of 1578 cases, including one death, have been reported in Cambodia since the beginning of the pandemic. The recent COVID-19 outbreaks are most likely caused by the new B.1.1.7 variant, which transmits more quickly than previously circulating virus. Seeking appropriate care in a timely manner can reduce the risk of dying due to COVID-19. Cambodia reported its first death due to COVID-19 on 11 March.

“The first tragic death due to COVID-19 is a reminder to us all of the seriousness of this disease. It can affect anyone at any time,” said Dr Li Ailan, WHO Representative to Cambodia. “The country is at a critical stage of fighting against COVID-19, but we have a window of opportunity to stop virus spread if we all act together with solidarity.”

The common goal for fighting against COVID-19, including the 20 February event, is to minimize the risk of new importation, stop the outbreak and prevent community transmission of COVID-19.

Effective implementation of and full compliance with strong, targeted public health interventions is to prevent the devastating health, social and economic effects of COVID-19. Largescale transmission could require largescale restrictions and lockdowns, and it would highly likely cause hospitals and health facilities to become overwhelmed, making it difficult for people with COVID-19 and other health conditions to receive care and save lives.

“The situation is alarming. Everyone must take precautions to lower the risk of contracting COVID-19 and cut off the chain of transmission as soon as we can,” said Her Excellency Dr Or Vandine, Secretary of State and Spokesperson for the MOH. “Follow the 3 do’s and the 3 don’ts: wear a mask properly, wash hands frequently with alcohol gel or soap, and maintain a physical distance of at least 1.5 metres from others; and do not go to places that are not well-ventilated, do not go to crowded places, and do not touch others, shake hands or hug.”

Reduce or stop unnecessary travel and movement from Phnom Penh to provinces and vice versa. Staying home is the best choice for now during this time of active virus circulation in order to stop the spread of the virus, Her Excellency Dr Or Vandine added.

These basic preventive behaviours are a first step in reducing the risk of COVID-19 infection, but other public health measures are also necessary to prevent community transmission. It is essential that confined settings where the virus is known to spread easily, such as nightclubs, casinos and other entertainment venues, are avoided by all people. The cancellation or postponement of high-risk gatherings, such as parties and weddings, is currently vital to curb the spread of the virus.

In some situations, movement restrictions and control may be implemented to break the chain of transmission. These temporary restrictions may limit movement between provinces or, in some cases, movement within cities or districts.

Local and national authorities have introduced targeted but strong public health measures in response to the current outbreaks. In Phnom Penh and Preah Sihanouk, more than 100 sites have been identified and closed, with associated staff and residents tested and quarantined. Additionally, all weddings and large gatherings have been suspended nationwide.

As different public health measures are in effect in different provinces and cities, people are encouraged to follow the advice of their local authorities. It is important to follow public health rules on contact tracing, isolation and quarantine, and other measures. If you feel sick or fear you may have contracted COVID-19, call 115.

    While vaccines will help to reduce hospitalisations and severe disease, vaccines alone will not end the pandemic, and they will not end the current outbreak. Only the combined efforts of all people will be able to stop the outbreaks.

“I know that fighting this pandemic is tiring, but we must come together in solidarity to defeat this virus,” said Dr Li Ailan. “Our collective actions in the coming days and weeks will determine our success or failure in protecting ourselves and our country from COVID-19.”


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